Alumni Panel Discussions
A panel discussion helps seniors and their parents hear about the college experience firsthand from alumni and their parents. College students generally love talking about their lives on campus, and your students will appreciate the opportunity to hear from their near peers about what it’s like to transition from your high school into college. Parents, especially those who have never been to college themselves, will appreciate the chance to hear about the pitfalls and successes of sending kids onto education after high school.
Approximately 60 minutes
11th-12th grade students
When college students are home for breaks, often in mid-December
Materials Needed
3-5 alumni now in college
3-5 parents of alumni now in college
Student & parent questions (p. 2-5)
Blank paper and pencils for participants to write their own questions
Computer/projector/speakers to show video (optional)
2 rooms, 1 for students and 1 for parents
Before the event
Prepare your panelists by providing them
with a copy of the predetermined questions.Remind them that students and parents may
have additional questions.Share expectations about how they respond
to questions about sensitive topics (i.e.
alcohol on campus or financial questions);
generally, panelists should be honest but not
feel compelled to share any information that
makes them uncomfortable.
5 minutes
General welcome
Explain the format for the evening
45 minutes
Break into two groups – 1 for parents and 1 for students.
Encourage each participant to write down at least one question they would like to ask.
Collect the questions.
Shuffle the handwritten questions with the prepared questions, and distribute equally to participants.
Introduce the panelists – at minimum, they should share their name, the year they (or their child) graduated from your high school, and where they (or their child) attend.
Encourage participants to read out the questions they’ve been given and have the panelists respond.
10 minutes
Bring parents and students back to the same room.
Ask a few students and parents to talk about one thing they learned that surprised them.
Thank panel members and attendees and share any upcoming deadlines (e.g. financial aid forms, college applications, etc.)