TSI Test Prep
The TSI Assessment consists of three sections: reading, writing, and mathematics. The minimum TSI Assessment scores required to satisfy TSI requirements are:
Before January 11, 2021
Reading: 351
Mathematics: 350
Essay score of 4 and multiple choice of 340 or higher; OR multiple choice of less than 340, an ABE diagnostic level of at least 4, and essay of at least 5
After January 11, 2021
Mathematics: 950 OR 910-949 + diagnostic score of 6
ELAR: 945-990 + Essay of at least 5 OR 910-944, a diagnostic score of 5 or 6, and Essay of 5-8
The most comprehensive and interactive practice for the TSIA is the official web-based app. It is free to use and you are strongly encouraged to review the subject areas in which you are required to test. Access the official web-based app:
TSI Test Prep Study Resources
Austin Community College TSI Assessment Preparation: Free App, Practice Tests, and Reviews
Lone Star College Test Preparation: Test Materials, Reviews, and Practice Tests
Mometrix Test Preparation: Reviews, Practice Tests, and Study Guides
Test Prep Review by Mometrix: Test Reviews, Practice Tests, and SelfAssessments
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) at Houston Community College TSI Pre-Assessment Activity: Practice Tests and Optional Resources
Additional Resources:
TSI Assessment Student Brochure: explains the general purpose and format of the test
TSI Assessment Sample Questions: helps students familiarize themselves with the type of multiple-choice questions asked on the exam
TSI Assessment Sample Essays & Scoring Guide: helps students understand the rubric used to score their essay AND goes through the five-paragraph persuasive essay as part of the writing section
TSI Assessment Guide to Interpreting your Score: explains what scores indicate in terms of readiness to succeed in college-level courses